Well, I have a sale.... I sold yet another hat! I really need to get back to making them - I'm in hope that after the Labor Day Holiday, things will start to slow down here which will allow me all the time in the world to get back to crafting. It's a simple sale but enough to make the motivation level go up a bit... I bid you all a good night and hope that all your dreams come true....
As many of you know my husband is on borrowed time till November 16th. So even when he has days off, anything can happen from delivering DAR reports, to supplies, paperwork - Just Anything can ruin a day off. But yesterday not one single call from anyone (errrr my boss called me but that's a whole different type of work). And so he beaded.... And I placed them on his etsy store... http://etsy.com/shop/mrcraftyrving Now once the season is over he's store will blossom big time - we have tons of new supplies that he hasn't had a chance to play with and all sorts of other new items we'll both be working to enhance choice selections for our customers... So here's some pictures of Jorge doing his thing!! Enjoy...
Would you believe I'm still working on my sweater.....? Slow progress, not out of laziness because I am working big time - plus helping Jorge when I can.... BUT yesterday Jorge and I took some time just sitting outside where I could work on my squares while Jorge got to learning more about his dang new phone - I mean really how hard is it.... Tomorrow I'll start putting her together and I hope by Saturday to post the pics of the finish piece - one can only hope... lol.... Here are some pics nothing too special but proof I am working little by little on it... Jorge is at this very moment working on beading - I'll post pictures tomorrow.... Hope your all crafting with love.
Really has it been that long since I've posted a blog insert.... Well that should tell you how busy I've been. I'm not complaining at all - I love my life.
We've been doing some real fun things like for intance a set of host (host never invite the middle boss for anything) invited us over for a campfire with some goodies - how sweet and nice is that. Super nice people too - I really like them. Thanks Carol Lee & Ron for the wonderful mini party you put on - we had a great time....
We where also invited to dinner at our friends condo they have here in Mammoth Lakes. It had been a year since we've seen them. We meet them last year when Jorge was the camphost for Saddlebag. Sue is the reason I wanted to learn knitting so bad and even taught me the basic stitch - but because I am a lefty and a righty the purl stitch was something I had to come up with on my own - in which Mrs Searles (Steve Searles the Bear Whisper wife) taught me how to do. I do thank both women with my entire heart.
We've gone hiking and sight seeing so really no time for anything with the crafting world up until the day before yesterday. But with phones ringing all the time and emails popping up that have to be answered because of the type of job I do - I haven't gotten much done.... but here's what I have done....
Granny Square Jacket: The picture with the jacket that's mostly black is the one I am working on right now - only no black in mine.... I am also making it longer too... Not big into short sweaters.... This is all done by crocheting and some if not all of my friends from campground_crafters group (which BL started calling me) call me the granny square queen. I am laughing because I'm looking at my granny square blanket laying on my couch - so there may be some truth to this - I don't know - lol...
I learned how to do a granny square on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDEoLWcEEvQ almost 2 years ago.... so I love and feel comfy doing them. And I happen to like the look of a well done afghan made with granny squares...
Here's the pattern I'm working on and some pictures of what little I've gotten done... Enjoy and drop me a line... It helps me to know I have people taking the time to read this.....
Hello folks! I have been pretty ill for the last 4-5 days and so I haven't done much crafting. I've only had strength to do work for my boss and then lay down for the rest of the day. Today I finally had enough strength to say yes to getting well and no do I have to - lol....
I did manage to get a couple of hats done and now I'll be taking a break from hats and will start to work on my granny square sweater. I've been telling myself for almost a year I'd make. I have my pattern and in about an hour I'll start my 29 squares I need for my sweater and then put her together. If I do a good job I may start selling them on my store. I promise to post pictures during my process... Just wish me luck...
So not a lot to report and so today's blog will be just a show and tell using picture. I hope you enjoy and you can connect to my store by clicking the button within this blog insert.
Oh I should mentioned that my husband has been crafting too. He has done some jewelry some very pretty pieces.... Feel free to check out his store.... http://www.etsy.com/shop/mrcraftyrving
Half the battle has been won! We received the package in which our most waited item hid itself so snug in the box. Yesterday being the last day off in which really wasn't a day off due to work issues - ugggg to say the least. Did I mention we are going on vacation November 16th? Well if I didn't WE ARE. So Jorge let the foam breath and takes its form. And when it did he went to town. But a little snag. It's not enough. I am not ordering it again because I would like the project to be completed this century. A friend of ours is going to Reno and will some more for us - thank gosh for such loyal great friends!!
Today I have to rip the seams out of our curtain so that I can sew on the black material because the black and white just does not go with the movie theme RV. That will be a quick fix and I won't start that till Jorge gets home from work.
Oh yes, I've started printed pictures for our table and I love it - I get to see my family and friend everyday now - I'll take picture of the table tonight and will post tomorrow on the blog.
Well, I have to really keep this short today - I have to finish up my hat orders and get them shipped today seeing the post office is closed on Saturdays and it can not wait till Monday. Enjoy the pictures!!
Setting up shop online, on ETSY, can be a lot of hard work and a whole lot of fun and especially at the beginning. I have been working on new hats and other such treasures and working with my customers on private orders, or talk with on emails, and the online world is a little scary and extremly overwhelming. I was so used to the word by mouth and referral customers that I didn’t know where to start when it came to selling on ETSY, and I am still learning day by day. I hope the information I provide is this blog can help steer you the right way. I am also going to add I've been selling on eBay for many years and can tell you straight up you'll get your worth more from ESTY then you will ever see on eBay - eBay to be honest is a glorified yard-sale.
Here are some tips to use to help you get the most out of ESTY.... 1. Start meeting the sellers on ESTY. What I mean is shop or research products and then add them or their product that meets your fancy to your favorite list. You'll want to do this because as even I am learning ESTY sellers are also buyers and if you favorite them then they'll be sure to check out your store and whalla an easy sell. ESTY sellers are loyal for a couple of reasons A: they know what it takes to make our hard work handmade items and B: they have real taste.... So get to know your sellers on ETSY - I even emailed them to ask them questions and each response was so honest and helpful that it made me an instant loyal customer there - it's the only place where I go now for gifts.
2. Get business cards (A MUST). I've just order a set for both myself for my store and a set for my husband (yes ladies he's a crafter - I'm so lucky). I would strongly recommend getting them from Vista http://www.vistaprint.com/qs/freesamplespurple.aspx?U2=koyGR8I9gykBqGWbAv9b&GP=8%2f3%2f2010+7%3a37%3a57+PM you'll save even more money then you thought. In fact you may even get a small stack for free - not a bad deal. my order came up to a little over $10 for 2 stores, so honest to besty this is the way to go. Always carry your business cards, parties, meetings, stores, friends house - you just never know who you may meet and so you should always hand them out when ever the opportunity calls. Here's a crazy story - my husband is the site area manager for Inyo Recreation and he was gabbing about his job and the lady looked at me and said and what do you do my dear - I always say I'm a crafter first and attorney last. People hear attorney and want to spit in my face and when they hear crafter first then they get the idea and the point I'm human with talents - lol. Here's a secret also - your sales don't always come from your ESTY store because when you mentioned your store they ask for products on hand and walla another sale just using the word ESTY.
3. Facebook - Myspace - ravelry - Twitter - Digg - 43 THINGS - KNITTINGHELP - deviantART - StumbleUpon - LiveJournal - Wordpress - Blogspot - Friendfeed - lastfm - yelp - plurk and there so many more that I didn't list here.... I'm MrsCraftyRVing on most of these network sites. Where ever you can add a link you should because I think it's like for every 1000 you may get 3 serious shoppers.... So as you can see it takes work. But if you put an hour a day for three-weeks you'll start seeing your traffic go up in numbers. Under most of these networks you can find me as MrsCraftyRVing don't forget...
4. BLOGGING - Start a Blog. Starting a blog is a great way for people to get to know who you are and helps potential customers find you. People love content, and they love knowing the artist behind the shop. Plus, it is a great way to educate people on what you know. Advice can go a long way in gathering new customers, so share what you know and you would be surprised how many people will just love you for it! I enjoy writing in my blog, it makes me feel more connected with people interested in hats, scarfs whatever it is that I have ESTY. I am an RV full-time traveler so a lot of people are often puzzeled about crafting inside and RV and the kicker for me is that I live in a 24-foot motorhome. But I love it and you can feel that in my Blog.
5. Friends - The people you know can make a difference in your business. I get all my support from my on-line crafting friends from a yahoo group call campground_crafters and I love these women, they inspire me in ways that I could never dream up for myself. They are honest and will give advice and do research for you because they want to see me succeed. Stay away from people who dampen your your dreams.
6. Charity - You should always give back where your talents lay. You should do this from the heart. There are millions and millions of people in this world that may not have your talents and in a position where they can't do for themselves and it's only right to help your human sisters and brothers. Like blankets for the poor who can not afford heat (my husband and last year decided to not purchase gifts for us but to make blankets and we went around town Christmas Eve place the package on the poorest homes we could fine and took off running - it made us feel great to give in secret and this year we are bumping up our blanket making so we can hit more houses). I also do infant hats and MS items for a yahoo group I started and as well as the local hospitals in what-ever town we are in. But your Church is the best way to find those in need. So please open your heart and make a gift for someone who just needs to feel love during their hard times. Charity is not charity if it's easy. Charity is work and should be hard because then your really giving. I live by those words....
7. Last but least: Show case yourself and don't be shy by telling people what you do - there's a lot of ESTY sellers that make items that are a dying art. And so you are the teachers of the world. Paint the world with beauty with your art. And with this said. Do find me on ESTY and save me as your favorite so that I can do the same for you!! http://www.esty.com/shop/mrscraftyring
Hello! And happy Monday to everyone! Was just knitting and thought I'd take a break. When the heat is up the fingers react to knitting and the feel of the yarn can make the fingers itch. So I'll break until about 5pm and then get back to it. Tomorrow I'll be at it through out the day. So check back tomorrow to check out the photos! And uggg still no foam yet - it's been a week now!! Cross your fingers for me for tomorrow...
Today I had to take off from making any items - friends needed help and so we concentrated on that today - and then I slept (was up since yesterday at 5am and didn't hit the pillow until almost 2pm - Jorge was amazed on how functional I was and still in a good mood - it brought back college days for me to say the least) till 5pm so I should be able to head for bed at a reasonable hour tonight. Tomorrow - I have to hit the yarn stash and get to working my fingers off I have several hats to get done and I need to finish up my baby doll hats for an order to fill!! I did sell a hat yesterday and I was just thrilled. Hope to also get my flipping 3rd package so I can get my husband to do the cushion and then I can get my house back in order.... This will be a short insert today with no pics - a blog without pics is just not s blog to me!! So looking forward to getting back into the crafting world. Some people say I do to much and often then not I say no I can do more!! But I really need to watch my health - I don't want to go back to the hospital any time soon again - no thank-you!! So be patient with me - it will be at least a week and then I can get back to bloggin about crafting.... I do need to get a crafting project package for a friend who is still down from her accident to give her something to do!! any ideas - throw them out to me!! I've got a couple in my mind already!!