I love my mail service but hate the USPS. I pay my mail service extra to have all confirmation numbers on all of my packages - she does a wonderful job. She gets all my shipments in a box, puts the postage on it and the confirmation and then sends them to the Post Master and then from there on it gets screwed up every time. I am suppose to have 3 packages for Wednesday and it's now Friday and the confirmation number states it has not been processed so what the heck am I paying for? NOTHING that's what - the dang Post Office yet fails again. I probably should state that I got two out of three - I'm very angry that there is no info on my third - errrrrr gosh dang it...
Terri Lund the best Manager for the mail service - she totaly rocks and we depend on her....
So that brings me to my next topic - I am still waiting for my foam - no foam - no couch cushions and again my RV looks like a storage shelter instead of home!
Now moving on!! I completed another hat and placed it for sales. My prices vary only because of the types of yarns I use. So if your looking for a certain price range do check out the store because I'll have them for every budget line!! I just so enjoy making them and have had some really good feedback's on them. So do check out the store and see if I can fit your fancy.....
And Jorge's store link is below....
I want to give a special shout out to a set of friends in which I have to keep hush hush about until their ready to share their good fortune and God's Blessing - and I want to say Congrats to them and that I'll always be there for them ALWAYS!! They are good people and loyal friends and both my husband and I cherish them!!
And also I would like to give a shout out to my friends Ken and Lou Ann who came from San Jose, CA to visit us and feeding my ego on my current RV status and by the way is a huge fan of my hats - I must of heard it 20 times today during our visit. And thank-you for taking us out to lunch - that was much appreciated and very sweet of you two.... Lou Ann is so funny and I'll leave it at that.... Happy Birthday dear friend! I love you so much you know!! Ken you make the best bacon ever and venison - sucks that we no longer eat red meat.... Ken owns TUF Machinery Service and his web link is: http://www.tufmachinery.com/
Enjoy the pics and hopefully soon I'll have my RV up and running and under control and I can get to really bloggin about crafting in an RV and storage and products and such!! Soon I promise...
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